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The origin of the Vietnamese healthcare culture

The Vietnamese healthcare's culture goes deep into the belief that every single thing around us has its own soul, even the soil, the trees, and the animals. This profound connection with nature find its reality in the time of fallow the precede every planting season, leaving the soil to rest before going back to work for mankind, but also in the way the Vietnamese consider their garden.

As the " grass medicine is taking care of the small wound in the house, gardeners around Vietnam don't try to change the harmony create by the soil, to let the natural process goes its own way with the seeds.

Coming from the very simple day to day life of Vietnamese people, this culture expressed itself in a lot of manners and habits that take advantage of Nature to get healthier, happier, look better and even luckier in the never stopping moments in our life. Building itself for the people, this natural well-being path develops among the century to become a real wealth and treasure of Viet Nam.

Nothing secret in this art of taking care of ourselves, but the simple lesson that we are all a part of Nature and this Universe. A dimension that affect not only our way to take care of our body but also, as a whole, our mentality and psychology to create a feeling of well-being that reach not only the physical but also the spirit.

Beside its own experience, Vietnam took also advantage of two most flourishing cultures of Asia: India and China. This is the reason why you can find in Vietnam nearly the same philosophy, absorbed and improved to make it suitable to the Vietnamese people, for the joy to keep our tradition alive in a certain way.

This multi-cultural tradition is also a manner to find back , very much alive, the value of our Vietnamese ancestors and the way inspired by my grandparents as part of my heritage.

As a perfect balance between health and spirit achieved by natural way that lasted when the people found out the power hidden inside them and awaken it !!! 

Aromatherapist - Người đưa thư
Anh Nguyễn


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ESSENSIAN was founded in 2016 by a Vietnamese chemist, yoga teacher, qualified aromatherapist and holistic practitioner - Anh Nguyễn. Anh focuses on applying ancient Vietnamese and Asian herbal knowledge to create new and exciting products. As a qualified aromatherapist, AROMATHERAPY at the heart of ESSENSIAN...

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The Vietnamese healthcare's culture goes deep into the belief that every single thing around us has its own soul, even the soil, the trees, and the an...
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