When a person has a lot of imbalance it is necessary to massage with oil at least 3 times a week the whole body. When the body is in balance, it is advisable to massage once a week, with the combination of daily massage. What is Kapha dosha? Before considering the kapha body, let's briefly underst ...Read more

Kapha body oil

320.000 VND each

Because Kapha is water and earth, it is mostly cold, moist, slow and heavy in nature. It can be treated with warming, drying, soothing and stimulating therapy. Essential oils have diuretic properties, stimulate, increase body fire and stomach fire as well as stimulate the nervous system ... have the effect of cleaning blood, lymph, cleaning channels, stimulating brain activity. , making Kapha people feel lighter, full of energy.

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When a person has a lot of imbalance it is necessary to massage with oil at least 3 times a week the whole body. When the body is in balance, it is advisable to massage once a week, with the combination of daily massage.

What is Kapha dosha?

Before considering the kapha body, let's briefly understand the term dosha.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, the world is made up of five elements — space (cavities, tubes in the body), air (element of movement, wherever there is movement, then there is air), fire (present in the digestive system, gray matter, in body temperature), water (secretions of saliva, secretions of digestive juices, in mucous membranes, plasma and cytoplasm), earth (solid structures, such as bones, skulls, nails, muscles ...)

These combine in the human body to form three life forces or energies, called doshas, known as:

Vata is the subtle energy associated with movement — composed of Space and Air. People with this form of energy stand out, often find cold, dry, easily cracked skin, especially in autumn and winter, skinny with little muscle. A person with vata predominant  are often very active, creative,  flexible, understand problems very quickly, but are also easy to forget. They often start things quickly but are also easy to give up quickly. Vata often have their digestive system and their appetite is also very erratic. Out of balance, they are often dry, want to share and express their heart, often lose sleep and find it difficult to get out of their thoughts.

Pitta expresses as the body’s metabolic system — made up of Fire and Water. People with this form of energy stand out, usually have an average body, the skin is usually ruddy, soft, warm. They often have good internal metabolism, stable eating and a strong appetite. Because this outstanding energy is associated with being hot body temperature, they tend to like to drink cool, cold drinks, dislike hot weather, and are also prone to sunburn. Pitta is usually intelligent and sharp, so often tends to be a leader. They like things of value. Out of balance, pitta arouses anger, hatred and jealousy.

Kapha is the energy of strength, stability, forms body’s structure and shapes — formed from Earth and Water. People with this form of energy stand out usually have a more developed body than the other two doshas. They have large bones, easy to store energy. The skin is usually cool, moist, slightly oily, and sometimes cold and pale. They tend to work or think carefully, not in a hurry. They have good stamina, deep and good sleep. Kapha are usually happy, healthy, calm, loving, and forgiving. However, out of balance, they tend to attach, greed, and are unforgettable when hurt. During the winter-spring period of the year, it is very easy to have a mucus problem due to the presence of water and soil inside the body.


Each body will have one or two dominant forms of energy, which make up the person's body. In many cases, all three forms of energy work in a balance within the body. In fact, there is no individual who has only one inside of the body a quantitative amount of energy. Each basis is a mixture of all three types of energy inside the body but in different proportions.

In order to take care of the body appropriately, understanding the person's body (or energy forms inside the body) is extremely important.

How to take care of the kapha body (kapha energy - the energy of strength and outstanding internal stability):

Use Kapha body oil massage your whole body every day, especially during winter - spring days (kapha season in nature).

Use Kapha body oil body oil massage the whole body in the early morning or evening after bathing.

What are the properties of Kapha body oil?

Because Kapha is water and earth, it is mostly cold, moist, slow and heavy in nature. It can be treated with warming, drying, soothing and stimulating therapy. Essential oils have diuretic properties, stimulate, increase body fire and stomach fire as well as stimulate the nervous system ... have the effect of cleaning blood, lymph, cleaning channels, stimulating brain activity. , making Kapha people feel lighter, full of energy.

Ingredients: almond oil, tamanu oil, rosemary, lemongrass, orange, ginger, basil, eucalyptus,...

Instructions for use: Take an appropriate amount and massage on your body after bathing. Massage into skin until completely absorbed. Use once or twice daily.

Preserved: Store in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight, do not let water fall inside the product, keep the product closed tightly after using.

Expiry date: 1 year from date of manufacture.

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